linux phonehome
Often when deploying a new machine, I have it reverse-tunnel into my jump server so that I can always get to it via ssh, despite mixed firewall environments. I am used to doing this with FreeBSD systems, but when doing it on Linux I often forget the systemd unit file syntax.
Generate ssh keypair on new system
As myself:
Make sure you do not use a paraphrase, at least for this key. You may want to name it id_rsa_phonehome so that your regular ssh key on this machine can use a paraphrase. Copy the newly generated public key to the clipboard, you will need it in the next step.
cat ~/.ssh/
Add user, public key on jump server
This new machine is called 'redrocket'. I am going to create a new user on this machine with no privileges called 'sdouglas-redrocket' and set a random password. My ssh servers only accept private/public keypairs, no password authentication.
adduser sdouglas-redrocket su sdouglas-redrocket cd ~/ mkdir -p .ssh
Paste your key into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Edit ssh configuration on jump server
Add the following snipit to reduce the privilege of the user:
Match User sdouglas-redrocket AllowTcpForwarding yes X11Forwarding no PermitTunnel no GatewayPorts yes AllowAgentForwarding no PermitOpen localhost:4030 ForceCommand echo 'This account has no shell access'
4030 is the port on the jump host that the reverse tunnel will bind to. In my case, I will just ssh into that port from the jump host, and instantly be connected to the ssh daemon on that machine, wherever that is. Restart sshd:
service sshd restart
Install autossh on new system
Autossh is a nice little script that creates more resilient ssh connections. If a connection gets disconnected, it will attempt to reconnect until it succeeds.
Installation on your platform will vary, but here are a few examples:
sudo apt-get install autossh
sudo yum install autossh
Systemd unit file
[Unit] Description=phonehome [Service] ExecStart=/usr/bin/su sdouglas -c '/usr/bin/autossh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_phonehome -M 0 -N -f -p 5022 -R 4030:localhost:22' [Install]
'sdouglas' is the user on the new workstation that I want this to run on. The '-i' flag should point ssh to the private keypair you created. '-p 5022' is the port my jump servers ssh server runs on. '-R 4030:localhost:22' instructs ssh to create a reverse tunnel, where a local port on the new system (22) will be reachable via a remote port on the jump server (4030). 'sdouglas-redrocket' is the user I created for this machine on the jump server. '' is the host where the jumpserver is reachable.
systemctl enable phonehome
After you reboot your system, you should be able to ssh into your new system from your jump server:
sdouglas@rshell--> ssh -p 4030 sdouglas@localhost The authenticity of host '[localhost]:4030 ([]:4030)' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:... No matching host key fingerprint found in DNS. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added '[localhost]:4030' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. sdouglas@localhost's password: Last login: Mon Jun 19 22:42:50 2017 from localhost [sdouglas@redrocket ~]$