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Configuring iocage for vnet and dhcp on FreeBSD 12

FreeBSD 12.0 shipped with vnet networking enabled by default. This allows a jail to be allocated a real fake interface, and for it to have its own networking stack. I have been using iocage, so here is how I configure a jail:

Create the jail

iocage create --name mgmt_jail --release 12.0-RELEASE

Set misc networking settings

iocage set vnet=on mgmt_jail
iocage set dhcp=on mgmt_jail
iocage set bpf=yes mgmt_jail

Map vnet interfaces to bridges

iocage set interfaces=vnet0:bridge1001 mgmt_jail

Disable iocage default networking

This will optionally add your default interface to bridge0 and set up the jail to listen on that. Great for alot of use cases, but not this time.

iocage set vnet_default_interface=none mgmt_jail

Start the jail!

iocage start mgmt_jail
root@r2--> iocage start mgmt_jail
* Starting mgmt_jail
  + Started OK
  + Using devfs_ruleset: 7
  + Configuring VNET OK
  + Starting services OK
  + DHCP Address:

All of this at creation time

You can do all of this at creation time, its just less readable:

iocage create --name mgmt_jail --release 12.0-RELEASE vnet=on dhcp=on bpf=yes interfaces=vnet0:bridge1001 vnet_default_interface=none